世界展望會 2007春季最新活動--- 與世界的兒童做朋友
作者:法依娜 阿依夏奇耶
國家:盧安達 (Rwanda地理位置 非洲中東部,北臨烏干達,東界坦尚尼亞,西臨剛果民主共和國及基霧湖,南接蒲隆地,位於剛果河與尼羅河之分水嶺,地處東非高原。)
「世界,聽我說 World,listen to me!」世界小畫家聯合畫展,包括台灣之28個受助國家、48個計畫區的受助兒童先在所在地區進行繪畫比賽,從國內選出117幅、國外195幅,共計312幅兒童畫作,並在2月初經國立台灣師範大學美術系師生進行初步甄選,選出了137幅優秀兒童畫作展出,於3月5日至30日在台灣世界展望會網路進行票選活動,歡迎踴躍上網選出你最感動的兒童畫作,同時將在兒童節期間,巡迴台北、台中、高雄舉辦三場展覽,邀請民眾踴躍支持,透過網路投票、參觀畫展及愛心捐款行動,為身處艱難環境中的孩子加油,有機會為自己創造美好明天,實現心中夢想。
展出時間:4月23~30 日
此時此刻,全球正有10億兒童處於極度貧窮中,每天生活費用不到1美元…諾貝爾和平獎得主德瑞莎修女曾經說過:「有了愛就有了一切!」有了您的愛與關懷,將讓他們貧瘠童年中, 擁抱豐盛的希望夢想!
想要更進一步了解這些兒童嗎?? --->
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
獅子山共和國Republic of Sierra Leone
國慶日 :4/27
語言 :英文、Krio語
首都 :自由城 Freetown
面積 :7萬1,740平方公里
人口 :600,5萬人,其境內有20多個種族
宗教 :伊斯蘭教、基督教、拜物教等。以伊斯蘭教為主
氣候 :熱帶季風氣候,高溫多雨
地理位置 :非洲西部,北部與幾內亞、東南與賴比瑞亞交界
與我國關係 :1963年9月28日獅子山與我國建交
匯率 :US$1=2,914.28Leone (2005年9月)
出生/死亡率 :42.84%(2005)/20.61%(2005)
GDP :600美元 (2004)
國內生產毛額 :33億3,500萬美元(2004)
國內各業生產毛額結構:農業:49% 工業:31% 服務業:20%(2001) 通貨膨脹率 :1%(2002)
失業率 :不詳 進口值 :2億6,400萬美元(2003)
出口值 :4,900萬美元(2003) 主要進口產品 :機械、食品、飲料、菸草、燃料及潤滑油
主要出口產品 :鑽石、金紅石、魚貨、鐵礦、可可、咖啡 主要出口國 :比利時、西班牙、美國、英國
主要進口國 :英國、美國、象牙海岸、比盧
財政收支 :礦產輸出佔外匯一半,負債高達十一億美元
一九九六年二月二十六、二十七日獅國舉行總統及國會選舉。國會選舉方面,選出八十位國會議員,由獅子山人民黨(Sierra Leone People’s Party)、聯合全民黨(United National People’s Party)、人民民主黨(People’s Democratic Party)、全民國會黨(All People’s Congress Party)以及全國團結黨(National Unity Party)等政黨依得票率分配席次,另有十二席係票選傳統酋長,共計九十二席國會議員。總統選舉方面,由於無候選人獲得百分之五十五選票之情形下,故由得票率最高之二位候選人:獅子山人民黨卡巴(Mr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah)與聯合全民黨卡瑞法-史馬特(Mr. John Karefa-Smart)參加第二回合選舉。次(三)月十五日,第二回合總統選舉順利完成,卡巴膺選為新任總統。同月二十九日,軍政府將政權和平移交卡巴總統。一九九七年五月廿四日晚,獅國軍人發動政變,推翻卡巴政府,卡巴總統逃抵幾內亞,獅國首都自由市為叛軍掌控。六月廿二日,獅國軍事執政委員會(Armed Forces Ruling Council, 簡稱AFRC)主席柯洛馬少校(Johnny Paul Koroma)宣誓就任總統。一九九八年二月五日,西非維和部隊(ECOMOG)在西非經濟共同體(ECOWAS)授權下,對以柯洛馬(Major Johnny Paul Korama)為首之獅國軍政府發動軍事攻擊,十二日西非維和部隊攻進獅京自由城,並控制獅國內陸主要城市,惟軍政府與叛軍「革命聯合陣線」所屬部隊則流竄叢林鄉野,頑冥抵抗,在獅國東部、南部地區仍有零星戰火。一九九八年三月十日現年六十六歲之卡巴總統重返獅京自由城執政,渠立即重 組內閣及設置政策諮詢委員會,強調和解(reconciliation)政策,呼籲獅國人民團結一致重建家園。一九九八年八月間「革命聯合陣線」領袖山柯(Corporal Forday Dankoh)自奈及利亞押返獅京自由城接受審判,叛軍不斷以游擊戰方式攻擊政府軍與西非聯軍,同時以槍殺、凌遲及砍斷手腳等殘酷手段破害普通百姓,製造恐怖氣氛,嚴重打擊獅國向以人力耕作之農業生產,並造成難民潮。一九九九年元月六日「革命聯合陣線」叛軍在Sam Bockarie率領下一舉攻入首都自由城東區,與駐獅之西非聯軍發生激戰,叛軍佔領總統府、警察局及電台等重要據點。一週後(元月十二日)西非聯軍反攻,叛軍不敵竄逃至鄰近山區,伺機而動。一九九九年七月七日在西非經濟共同體輪值主席,多哥總統調和下,獅國政府與叛軍簽署和平停火協定,並籌組聯合政府,惟因叛軍要求分配之部次長職位數與卡巴總統同意數相去甚遠,故迄未入京就職。二○○○年五月初獅國「革命聯合陣線」扣押約五百名聯合國維和部隊人員,五月九日首都自由城居民數千人在該陣線領袖山柯(Forday Sankoh)住宅前示威抗議,遭該陣線士兵開槍射殺,致引起暴動,聯合國立即撤退非必要之工作人員。至五月二十八日止尚有五十六人未釋放。2002年5月總統大選, Kabbah獲得連任, 2003年3月21日獅國成立特別法庭以審判1991年至2000年引發內戰之罪犯。2007年7月28日獅國總統及國會將進行大選。
(資源來源: )
Delegation of UN Peacebuilding Commission concluded maiden mission to Sierra Leone
Freetown, Sierra Leone, 25 March 2007 --- A delegation from the newly established United Nations Peacebuilding Commission completed its first-ever mission, a five-day visit to Sierra Leone, as part of reinforced efforts by the world body to prevent countries emerging from civil war and other conflicts from slipping back into bloodshed.
The 12-member delegation, which wound up its visit on 25 March, has held intensive talks with President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah and other senior officials of the small West African country, which after 11 years of civil war has now entered a peace consolidation phase.
“We came here to look on the ground for first-hand information on issues that the Commission is meant to deal with and to identify challenges to the peacebuilding process,” said Ambassador Frank Majoor, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the UN, who headed the delegation in his capacity as chair of the Commission’s Country Specific Meetings on Sierra Leone.
After earlier discussions in the Commission, the Government and the UN mission in Sierra Leone jointly conducted an analysis of critical gaps in peacebuilding efforts and drew up a national priority plan that has been endorsed by the stakeholders and includes youth employment and empowerment, democracy and good governance, justice and security as well as public service delivery.
Mr. Majoor said the working visit helped the delegation to determine specific priorities and gaps within these wider priority areas for the Commission to solicit extended support from donor countries.
He emphasized that the Commission is now closer to an integrated framework – a compact between the Government, donors, the UN, the private sector and civil society – to sustain the national and international commitment to support peacebuilding and stability in Sierra Leone over the years to come.
He and other delegation members described the consolidated approach on various tracks to peacebuilding and development, thus maintaining the continuity of already existing mechanisms such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Project and the Peace Consolidation Strategy.
Earlier this month, Sierra Leone received $35 million from the UN Peacebuilding Fund, established from voluntary contributions to aid countries which have recently emerged from war from slipping back into conflict, with Sierra Leone and another formerly war-torn African country, Burundi, the first nations to be referred to it.
Although the two countries have made much progress in emerging from their devastating civil conflicts, they continue to face great political and economic challenges, the Commission said then.
PBC(Peacebuilding Commission )成立迄今,第一個任務出現了,就是前往獅子山五天,與當地的重要官員進行瞭解當地情形以及設法避免當地再次發生戰爭、衝突。經過開會討論後,當地政府將與聯合國設立於當地的組織一起努力,重建當地的和平。前些日子,獅子山收到聯合國捐贈的三千五百萬美元,並與另一個國家-蒲隆地(位於中非)共同努力,即使都曾遭受過大規模的摧殘,但依然以重建和平時代為共同目標
Freetown, Sierra Leone, 25 March 2007 --- A delegation from the newly established United Nations Peacebuilding Commission completed its first-ever mission, a five-day visit to Sierra Leone, as part of reinforced efforts by the world body to prevent countries emerging from civil war and other conflicts from slipping back into bloodshed.
The 12-member delegation, which wound up its visit on 25 March, has held intensive talks with President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah and other senior officials of the small West African country, which after 11 years of civil war has now entered a peace consolidation phase.
“We came here to look on the ground for first-hand information on issues that the Commission is meant to deal with and to identify challenges to the peacebuilding process,” said Ambassador Frank Majoor, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the UN, who headed the delegation in his capacity as chair of the Commission’s Country Specific Meetings on Sierra Leone.
After earlier discussions in the Commission, the Government and the UN mission in Sierra Leone jointly conducted an analysis of critical gaps in peacebuilding efforts and drew up a national priority plan that has been endorsed by the stakeholders and includes youth employment and empowerment, democracy and good governance, justice and security as well as public service delivery.
Mr. Majoor said the working visit helped the delegation to determine specific priorities and gaps within these wider priority areas for the Commission to solicit extended support from donor countries.
He emphasized that the Commission is now closer to an integrated framework – a compact between the Government, donors, the UN, the private sector and civil society – to sustain the national and international commitment to support peacebuilding and stability in Sierra Leone over the years to come.
He and other delegation members described the consolidated approach on various tracks to peacebuilding and development, thus maintaining the continuity of already existing mechanisms such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Project and the Peace Consolidation Strategy.
Earlier this month, Sierra Leone received $35 million from the UN Peacebuilding Fund, established from voluntary contributions to aid countries which have recently emerged from war from slipping back into conflict, with Sierra Leone and another formerly war-torn African country, Burundi, the first nations to be referred to it.
Although the two countries have made much progress in emerging from their devastating civil conflicts, they continue to face great political and economic challenges, the Commission said then.
PBC(Peacebuilding Commission )成立迄今,第一個任務出現了,就是前往獅子山五天,與當地的重要官員進行瞭解當地情形以及設法避免當地再次發生戰爭、衝突。經過開會討論後,當地政府將與聯合國設立於當地的組織一起努力,重建當地的和平。前些日子,獅子山收到聯合國捐贈的三千五百萬美元,並與另一個國家-蒲隆地(位於中非)共同努力,即使都曾遭受過大規模的摧殘,但依然以重建和平時代為共同目標
New York/Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1 March 2007 --- The Secretary-General of the United Nations today announced that an allocation of US Dollars 35 million will be made available from the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) in support of Sierra Leone. This announcement follows a review in New York of the Priority Plan submitted jointly by the Government of Sierra Leone and the United Nations presence in the country.
The allocation will be used to fund projects in the areas of youth employment and empowerment, democracy and good governance, justice and security as well as public service delivery.
Against the backdrop of the discussion in the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), the Government and the United Nations presence in Sierra Leone jointly conducted a country level analysis of critical gaps in the peacebuilding efforts and drew up a national priority plan that has been endorsed by the stakeholders in Sierra Leone. Civil Society Organizations continued to play a key role to ensure the country’s effective engagement with the Peacebuilding Commission
The Peacebuilding Fund is established from voluntary contributions, as part of the new peacebuilding architecture, under the authority of the Secretary-General. It seeks to address critical peacebuilding priorities and benefits countries such as Sierra Leone, under consideration by the Peacebuilding Commission, as well as others in similar circumstances, as designated by the Secretary-General.
The Peacebuilding Commission formally declared Sierra Leone as eligible for PBF funding in October 2006. The allocation of the fund now paves the way for the implementation of projects in the four priority areas following a review and approval by the Peacebuilding Steering Committee in Sierra Leone, co-chaired by the Government and the United Nations. A Peacebuilding Fund Steering Committee, comprising Government, civil society, external partners and the United Nations presence in Sierra Leone, has been established.
Member States have so far pledged some USD 210 million to the Peacebuilding Fund. This is the second such allocation made under the Peacebuilding Fund following an earlier country envelope in support of Burundi, the other country currently under consideration by the Peacebuilding Commission.
Speaking at the UN’s New York Headquarters, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding, Ms. Carolyn McAskie said “the Peacebuilding Fund will support critical interventions in Sierra Leone and we hope that it can play an important catalytic role in attracting additional donor support to further consolidate the peace process.”
After the end of a destructive eleven-year conflict, the Government of Sierra Leone, with the support of the United Nations and other external partners, has made significant progress towards lasting peace, national recovery and democratization of the country. However, these achievements remain vulnerable and need to be consolidated and sustained with the support of the international community.
聯合國於3月1日宣佈捐助三千五百萬美元協助位於獅子山共和國的PBF(Peace building Fund)以回復當地和平;此外,當地的CSO(Civil Society Organizations)也將會協助PBF能順利運行。關於PBF,這係由各地募集資金所構成的基金,用來幫助各個需要幫助的地區,像是獅子山以及其他類似狀況的地區。而在紐約,PBC(Peacebuilding Commission)總部,的Carolyn McAskie小姐表示:PBF是個協助國家重建和平的機制。但這重新建立的和平依然脆弱無助,需要各地人士能出錢出力,幫助PBF,幫助各地需要幫助的國家。
The allocation will be used to fund projects in the areas of youth employment and empowerment, democracy and good governance, justice and security as well as public service delivery.
Against the backdrop of the discussion in the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), the Government and the United Nations presence in Sierra Leone jointly conducted a country level analysis of critical gaps in the peacebuilding efforts and drew up a national priority plan that has been endorsed by the stakeholders in Sierra Leone. Civil Society Organizations continued to play a key role to ensure the country’s effective engagement with the Peacebuilding Commission
The Peacebuilding Fund is established from voluntary contributions, as part of the new peacebuilding architecture, under the authority of the Secretary-General. It seeks to address critical peacebuilding priorities and benefits countries such as Sierra Leone, under consideration by the Peacebuilding Commission, as well as others in similar circumstances, as designated by the Secretary-General.
The Peacebuilding Commission formally declared Sierra Leone as eligible for PBF funding in October 2006. The allocation of the fund now paves the way for the implementation of projects in the four priority areas following a review and approval by the Peacebuilding Steering Committee in Sierra Leone, co-chaired by the Government and the United Nations. A Peacebuilding Fund Steering Committee, comprising Government, civil society, external partners and the United Nations presence in Sierra Leone, has been established.
Member States have so far pledged some USD 210 million to the Peacebuilding Fund. This is the second such allocation made under the Peacebuilding Fund following an earlier country envelope in support of Burundi, the other country currently under consideration by the Peacebuilding Commission.
Speaking at the UN’s New York Headquarters, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding, Ms. Carolyn McAskie said “the Peacebuilding Fund will support critical interventions in Sierra Leone and we hope that it can play an important catalytic role in attracting additional donor support to further consolidate the peace process.”
After the end of a destructive eleven-year conflict, the Government of Sierra Leone, with the support of the United Nations and other external partners, has made significant progress towards lasting peace, national recovery and democratization of the country. However, these achievements remain vulnerable and need to be consolidated and sustained with the support of the international community.
聯合國於3月1日宣佈捐助三千五百萬美元協助位於獅子山共和國的PBF(Peace building Fund)以回復當地和平;此外,當地的CSO(Civil Society Organizations)也將會協助PBF能順利運行。關於PBF,這係由各地募集資金所構成的基金,用來幫助各個需要幫助的地區,像是獅子山以及其他類似狀況的地區。而在紐約,PBC(Peacebuilding Commission)總部,的Carolyn McAskie小姐表示:PBF是個協助國家重建和平的機制。但這重新建立的和平依然脆弱無助,需要各地人士能出錢出力,幫助PBF,幫助各地需要幫助的國家。
Freetown, Sierra Leone, 9 March 2007 --- A top United Nations official said during a press briefing at UNIOSIL headquarters on the new United Nations peacebuilding architecture that Sierra Leone has set an example in maintaining peace. And that is after over a decade long conflict that left an estimated 50,000 people dead and thousands maimed. The Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Ms. Carolyn McAskie, told a room-full of local journalists and international correspondents that “the war has been over for five years, the peace has held, I think that's a gold standard. Five years is a long time after the kind of deep and violent conflict which took place here in Sierra Leone. There is still a lot to do though”, she added. Ms. McAskie visited the country from 6 to 8 March 2007 and had meetings with government officials, civil society representatives, the donor community and the United Nations Country Team.
According to the Head of the UN Peacebuilding Office progress is expected to continue in consolidating the country's peace with a “$35 million envelope out of the Peace Building Fund” which the UN Secretary-General recently approved for Sierra Leone. That money would be spent on urgent peacebuilding projects to be decided by a Steering Committee. The Committee comprises various stakeholders and will be co-chaired by the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone at the country level. The Executive Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Sierra Leone, Mr. Victor Angelo, noted during the press conference, that the Steering Committee will soon begin its work.
In response to a question on the overall resource requirements for peacebuilding efforts in Sierra Leone, Ms. McAskie expressed the hope that the US$35 million allocated from the Peace Building Fund (PBF) can play an important catalytic role in attracting additional donor support to further consolidate the peace process. The ASG further observed that Sierra Leone has done a great deal of work in advancing a peace consolidation agenda, and commended civil society groups who she said “are organizing in very strategic and impressive way”, adding that the role of the press as well is very important in the peace process.
“Sustaining attention on a crisis or a post crisis period is very, very critical and I see this as the most important part of the work of the Peace Building Commission”, Ms. McAskie said.
Ms. McAskie announced that a delegation from members of the Peace Building Commission would soon be coming to Sierra Leone “to get a sense of developments on the ground and to better inform the Commission on the next steps of engagement with the country”. She explained that the visit would help in developing “an integrated peacebuilding strategy”. Carolyn McAskie referred in this regard to the country's Peace Consolidation Strategy as an example of the “great deal of work” that has been done and that the PBC would be building on.
The Peacebuilding Commission is a recommendation from the 2005 World Summit and has a mandate, among other things, to assist post-conflict countries in consolidating peace and prevent from relapsing to war. It currently has Sierra Leone and Burundi under consideration.
在過去,死於戰爭的獅子山人民高達五萬以上,而存活下來的民眾,其中也有數千名手腳殘疾。在戰爭結束的五年後,ASG組織伸出了援手,協助在當地建立PBF(Peace Building Fund),希望能夠重建當地的和平時代。3月1日,聯合國捐助當地的PBF三千五百萬美元助其重建,而Carolyn McAskie小姐表示,希望PBF是和平的催化劑,且能妥善運用各地捐贈的金錢、物資以幫助各地重建,並且能夠成為一種建立和平上的指標。資料來源:
According to the Head of the UN Peacebuilding Office progress is expected to continue in consolidating the country's peace with a “$35 million envelope out of the Peace Building Fund” which the UN Secretary-General recently approved for Sierra Leone. That money would be spent on urgent peacebuilding projects to be decided by a Steering Committee. The Committee comprises various stakeholders and will be co-chaired by the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone at the country level. The Executive Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Sierra Leone, Mr. Victor Angelo, noted during the press conference, that the Steering Committee will soon begin its work.
In response to a question on the overall resource requirements for peacebuilding efforts in Sierra Leone, Ms. McAskie expressed the hope that the US$35 million allocated from the Peace Building Fund (PBF) can play an important catalytic role in attracting additional donor support to further consolidate the peace process. The ASG further observed that Sierra Leone has done a great deal of work in advancing a peace consolidation agenda, and commended civil society groups who she said “are organizing in very strategic and impressive way”, adding that the role of the press as well is very important in the peace process.
“Sustaining attention on a crisis or a post crisis period is very, very critical and I see this as the most important part of the work of the Peace Building Commission”, Ms. McAskie said.
Ms. McAskie announced that a delegation from members of the Peace Building Commission would soon be coming to Sierra Leone “to get a sense of developments on the ground and to better inform the Commission on the next steps of engagement with the country”. She explained that the visit would help in developing “an integrated peacebuilding strategy”. Carolyn McAskie referred in this regard to the country's Peace Consolidation Strategy as an example of the “great deal of work” that has been done and that the PBC would be building on.
The Peacebuilding Commission is a recommendation from the 2005 World Summit and has a mandate, among other things, to assist post-conflict countries in consolidating peace and prevent from relapsing to war. It currently has Sierra Leone and Burundi under consideration.
在過去,死於戰爭的獅子山人民高達五萬以上,而存活下來的民眾,其中也有數千名手腳殘疾。在戰爭結束的五年後,ASG組織伸出了援手,協助在當地建立PBF(Peace Building Fund),希望能夠重建當地的和平時代。3月1日,聯合國捐助當地的PBF三千五百萬美元助其重建,而Carolyn McAskie小姐表示,希望PBF是和平的催化劑,且能妥善運用各地捐贈的金錢、物資以幫助各地重建,並且能夠成為一種建立和平上的指標。資料來源:
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Freetown, Sierra Leone, 9 March 2007 --- The Government of Japan has announced a US$2.8 million contribution to the 2007 Elections in Sierra Leone. This contribution from the people of Japan will support the National Elections Commission (NEC) in their organisation of the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, scheduled to take place on 28 July, 2007.
The purchase of vital materials for the smooth operation of voting on polling day and the construction of a warehouse at the new NEC headquarters, are just two areas the Japanese contribution will fund.
The donation by the Government of Japan complements a larger ‘basket fund’ of contributions from the international donor community, which comprises of the European Union, United Kingdom (DFID), Ireland (Irish Aid) and the Danish Government. Together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) resources, this basket of donors is supporting the electoral institutions of NEC, the Political Parties Registration Commission and the Electoral Offences Court, to ensure credible elections.
The assistance of these donors has paid off already in a number of ways, including arranging for timely cargo flights to provide NEC district offices with voter registration training kits and the delivery of essential equipment to all voter registration centers. The international community contributions have been coordinated by the UNDP, in close association with the United Nations Integrated Office in Sierra Leone, UNIOSIL.
Preparations for the elections are well underway with registration running from now until 18 March, at 2740 Registration Centres around the country. According to Victor Angelo, head of the UN system in Sierra Leone, ‘the contribution from the people of Japan arrives at a crucial time in the electoral process, and creates the conditions for better planning of the next phases of the electoral process.’
日本政府於3月9日宣佈捐助280萬美金給獅子山共和國,希望當地能夠順利完成總統大選(2007年7月28日)。日本政府不僅是捐助金錢,也捐助其他物資,像是NEC(National Elections Commission)的總部,以及幫助訓練選舉期間的人力、技術。除了日本政府之外,許多國際組織,像是European Union, United Kingdom (DFID), Ireland (Irish Aid)以及Danish Government,也幫助獅子山使其選舉能順利、可信。獅子山當地表示,日本的資源宛如即時雨,幫助當地能建立更好的選舉流程資料來源:
The purchase of vital materials for the smooth operation of voting on polling day and the construction of a warehouse at the new NEC headquarters, are just two areas the Japanese contribution will fund.
The donation by the Government of Japan complements a larger ‘basket fund’ of contributions from the international donor community, which comprises of the European Union, United Kingdom (DFID), Ireland (Irish Aid) and the Danish Government. Together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) resources, this basket of donors is supporting the electoral institutions of NEC, the Political Parties Registration Commission and the Electoral Offences Court, to ensure credible elections.
The assistance of these donors has paid off already in a number of ways, including arranging for timely cargo flights to provide NEC district offices with voter registration training kits and the delivery of essential equipment to all voter registration centers. The international community contributions have been coordinated by the UNDP, in close association with the United Nations Integrated Office in Sierra Leone, UNIOSIL.
Preparations for the elections are well underway with registration running from now until 18 March, at 2740 Registration Centres around the country. According to Victor Angelo, head of the UN system in Sierra Leone, ‘the contribution from the people of Japan arrives at a crucial time in the electoral process, and creates the conditions for better planning of the next phases of the electoral process.’
日本政府於3月9日宣佈捐助280萬美金給獅子山共和國,希望當地能夠順利完成總統大選(2007年7月28日)。日本政府不僅是捐助金錢,也捐助其他物資,像是NEC(National Elections Commission)的總部,以及幫助訓練選舉期間的人力、技術。除了日本政府之外,許多國際組織,像是European Union, United Kingdom (DFID), Ireland (Irish Aid)以及Danish Government,也幫助獅子山使其選舉能順利、可信。獅子山當地表示,日本的資源宛如即時雨,幫助當地能建立更好的選舉流程資料來源:
UN Peacebuilding Commission can help states avoid renewed conflict – officials told General Assembly
New York, 6 February 2007 --- War-ravaged countries suffering from destabilizing factors such as poverty and lack of good governance can benefit from the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission, officials told the General Assembly today. Assembly President Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa pointed out that the Peacebuilding Commission has already started dealing with Burundi and Sierra Leone, two countries which have emerged from conflict with the UN’s support.
“The challenge now lies primarily in the need for the international community to deliver on the pledges made to assist the peoples of these countries in their efforts to rebuild the institutional and human capacity needed for comprehensive and lasting peace,” she said.
She stressed that the UN must help countries to address the link between poverty, weak State capacity and instability, which lead countries to relapse into conflict. “The Peacebuilding Commission has an important substantive and coordinating role to play in promoting post-conflict peacebuilding and recovery, including respect for human rights and the rule of law.”
She also stressed the importance of the Peacebuilding Fund, which has received over $140 million in pledges, urging all countries to work together to reach the $250 million funding target. “I will personally write to a number of potential donors to encourage them to contribute to the Peacebuilding Fund so that the funding target is met,” Sheikha Haya said.
Also addressing the Assembly, which heard from over 20 speakers, was the President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Dalius Cekuolis, who hailed the Peacebuilding Commission as a tool that would better enable the UN to promote sound policies on poverty eradication, sustainable development and human rights.
Mr. Cekuolis pointed out that nine out of 10 countries with the lowest human development indicators have experienced conflict at some point since 1990. “These countries are clearly the farthest away from achieving the targets and goals set out in the United Nations development agenda,” he said.
But he said the Economic and Social Council had taken several important steps to help post-conflict countries, such as Guinea-Bissau and Burundi, to plan a coordinated approach to peace and development. “ECOSOC is ready to support the work of the Peacebuilding Commission collectively and through its members.
The General Assembly was debating the work of the Peacebuilding Commission for the first time since that body’s establishment in December 2005.
PBC(Peacebuilding Commission)協助遭到戰爭遺害的地區,像是蒲隆地或是獅子山等地方,去幫助重建和平,以及去避免內部流血衝突再一次的發生,也希望能夠將「和平」永遠地流傳下去。Assembly President Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa表示,她希望聯合國務必幫助那些貧窮、政局不穩定的國家,以脫離不穩定的生活。此外,她也表示將以個人的名義去尋求潛在的捐贈者來一起協助PBF(Peacebuilding Fund)。
New York, 6 February 2007 --- War-ravaged countries suffering from destabilizing factors such as poverty and lack of good governance can benefit from the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission, officials told the General Assembly today. Assembly President Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa pointed out that the Peacebuilding Commission has already started dealing with Burundi and Sierra Leone, two countries which have emerged from conflict with the UN’s support.
“The challenge now lies primarily in the need for the international community to deliver on the pledges made to assist the peoples of these countries in their efforts to rebuild the institutional and human capacity needed for comprehensive and lasting peace,” she said.
She stressed that the UN must help countries to address the link between poverty, weak State capacity and instability, which lead countries to relapse into conflict. “The Peacebuilding Commission has an important substantive and coordinating role to play in promoting post-conflict peacebuilding and recovery, including respect for human rights and the rule of law.”
She also stressed the importance of the Peacebuilding Fund, which has received over $140 million in pledges, urging all countries to work together to reach the $250 million funding target. “I will personally write to a number of potential donors to encourage them to contribute to the Peacebuilding Fund so that the funding target is met,” Sheikha Haya said.
Also addressing the Assembly, which heard from over 20 speakers, was the President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Dalius Cekuolis, who hailed the Peacebuilding Commission as a tool that would better enable the UN to promote sound policies on poverty eradication, sustainable development and human rights.
Mr. Cekuolis pointed out that nine out of 10 countries with the lowest human development indicators have experienced conflict at some point since 1990. “These countries are clearly the farthest away from achieving the targets and goals set out in the United Nations development agenda,” he said.
But he said the Economic and Social Council had taken several important steps to help post-conflict countries, such as Guinea-Bissau and Burundi, to plan a coordinated approach to peace and development. “ECOSOC is ready to support the work of the Peacebuilding Commission collectively and through its members.
The General Assembly was debating the work of the Peacebuilding Commission for the first time since that body’s establishment in December 2005.
PBC(Peacebuilding Commission)協助遭到戰爭遺害的地區,像是蒲隆地或是獅子山等地方,去幫助重建和平,以及去避免內部流血衝突再一次的發生,也希望能夠將「和平」永遠地流傳下去。Assembly President Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa表示,她希望聯合國務必幫助那些貧窮、政局不穩定的國家,以脫離不穩定的生活。此外,她也表示將以個人的名義去尋求潛在的捐贈者來一起協助PBF(Peacebuilding Fund)。
UN in Sierra Leone: Statement on harmful traditional practices affecting women and children Freetown, Sierra Leone, 8 March 2007 --- The United Nations in Sierra Leone takes the opportunity of the International Women’s Day, to call for an end to the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), early and forced marriages, and all harmful traditional practices against women and children. As part of the efforts towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, particularly those of improving maternal health and promoting gender equality, the UN considers FGM as an infringement of the basic rights of women and girls. The practice violates the right to be free from violence, abuse, torture, cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment as enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Sierra Leone is signatory. Apart from exposing women and girls, some of them very young, to serious physical and mental health risks, FGM affects the education of girls as many are taken from schools and kept in “initiation bushes” for weeks.
In this regard, the United Nations calls upon the leadership of Sierra Leone, at all levels, to commit themselves to intensified efforts towards stopping the practice of FGM in all its forms, as well as early and forced marriages. We urge the Government, at the earliest, to accelerate the enactment of the Child Rights Bill to give effect to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the three drafts bills - Domestic Violence, Registration of Customary Marriages and Divorce, and Devolution of
Estates. The enactment of these bills will create the conditions for the implementation of the Convention on the Eradication of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).The United Nations further calls upon all Political Parties to desist from underwriting the costs of FGM or using the practice as a political campaign strategy for the 2007 elections.
The United Nations also appeals to the religious leaders of all faiths to exercise their moral authority to end the practice, and to Civil Society Organizations to embark upon concerted sensitization of the populations on the dangerous effects of the practice with the view of bringing about change in attitude.
The United Nations reaffirms its support to every effort aimed at ending all harmful traditional practices and promoting gender equality and human rights, including those of women and girls.
聯合國搭上三八的婦女節的列車,趁機在獅子山內宣導破除以往傷害婦女以及孩童的習俗,像是FGM (female genital mutilation)這種違反人權的習俗。同時,聯合國也呼籲各層階級的官員去制止這種行為再次發生;也希望各種宗教的領袖以道德的方式去說服當地的人民破除這項習俗。
In this regard, the United Nations calls upon the leadership of Sierra Leone, at all levels, to commit themselves to intensified efforts towards stopping the practice of FGM in all its forms, as well as early and forced marriages. We urge the Government, at the earliest, to accelerate the enactment of the Child Rights Bill to give effect to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the three drafts bills - Domestic Violence, Registration of Customary Marriages and Divorce, and Devolution of
Estates. The enactment of these bills will create the conditions for the implementation of the Convention on the Eradication of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).The United Nations further calls upon all Political Parties to desist from underwriting the costs of FGM or using the practice as a political campaign strategy for the 2007 elections.
The United Nations also appeals to the religious leaders of all faiths to exercise their moral authority to end the practice, and to Civil Society Organizations to embark upon concerted sensitization of the populations on the dangerous effects of the practice with the view of bringing about change in attitude.
The United Nations reaffirms its support to every effort aimed at ending all harmful traditional practices and promoting gender equality and human rights, including those of women and girls.
聯合國搭上三八的婦女節的列車,趁機在獅子山內宣導破除以往傷害婦女以及孩童的習俗,像是FGM (female genital mutilation)這種違反人權的習俗。同時,聯合國也呼籲各層階級的官員去制止這種行為再次發生;也希望各種宗教的領袖以道德的方式去說服當地的人民破除這項習俗。
New year’s message by Victor Angelo, Executive Representative of the Secretary-General and UN Resident Coordinator in Sierra Leone Freetown, 1 January 2007 --- A new year brings hope for better lives, better prospects and better opportunities. But it is only through sustained peace, security, respect for human rights and development that the hopes of every Sierra Leonean will be realized. There are many challenges ahead of us – credible elections, women’s empowerment, tackling unemployment, and creating the conditions for human development.
I am sure that the people of Sierra Leone will build upon the successes achieved so far, and continue to work together to promote and consolidate the existing culture of peace, through dialogue on critical national issues. When there is peace, there are dividends to enjoy. People will feel safe enough to go about their daily lives – to till the land, harvest the crops, develop livelihoods, go to school, invest, create jobs, construct homes and build a future 2007 is a significant year for Sierra Leone as the country prepares for the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in July. The experience we have so far with the electoral work has convinced us that the process can remain on track. We salute the independence demonstrated by the National Electoral Commission (NEC), and encourage all the parties to continue to collaborate with the Commission. Adherence to the Political Party’s Code of Conduct will decisively contribute to a constructive electoral climate. It is encouraging that in November 2006, eight political parties signed a Code of Conduct for the Elections.
The establishment of a Media Code of Conduct for election coverage is also vital. So too is voter education and a successful registration, which will start on 26 February.
Other critical tasks call for attention. As we recognize the relevance of being the first country to partner with the newly established UN Peace building Commission, and congratulate the government for this meaningful international commitment, we should keep in mind that the priorities agreed with the Commission require steadfast implementation to consolidate stability and democracy. Youth unemployment remains a major issue. There is a need to harness the young people’s abilities and to sharpen their skills through education, vocational and professional training programmes, and to develop their management skills. Food security is also imperative for the well-being of citizens. Improved agricultural productivity, and adequate post-harvest techniques, will provide better nutrition and health for both rural and urban communities. The growth of small-scale farming and farm-related businesses and industries will generate additional rural incomes. All these will create firmer conditions for private sector growth. Efficient management of Sierra Leone’s natural resources, such as mining and fisheries, will ensure a sustainable future for its people. However, providing regulated access to these resources and markets remain a challenge. This is where public-private sector partnerships are useful for infrastructure and market development.
The establishment of a Media Code of Conduct for election coverage is also vital. So too is voter education and a successful registration, which will start on 26 February.
We must step up our work to secure a viable future for the men, women and children of Sierra Leone. There are still mountains to climb. The international community must continue to support those negotiating steep inclines to ensure that no key player loses balance. We believe in the future of Sierra Leone.
As 2007 beckons and as we stand together, the UN staff and I share with the people of Sierra Leone a vista of hope in the year ahead.
新年帶來了希望,帶來了更好的生活以及機會,但僅限在和平、安全、重視人權的地區。獅子山的人們就沒法過著相同的日子,因為當地充斥著各種不安、危機。不過,當地的人們致力於重建屬於他們的現存的和平文化,想要享受著各種和平帶來的好處:上學、做生意、找工作、以及盛大的收獲。然而現在機會來了!在2007年7月的總統大選就是獅子山民眾的機會。因此他們尋找NEC(National Electoral Commission)的協助以確保一切能夠順利。當然,其他的事情也被密切注意著,像是當地的失業率、食物來源、農業採收量以及當地資源管理等。現今,依然有許多的事需要各地的幫忙、協助,幫助獅子山人民去掌握屬於他們的未來! 資源來源:
I am sure that the people of Sierra Leone will build upon the successes achieved so far, and continue to work together to promote and consolidate the existing culture of peace, through dialogue on critical national issues. When there is peace, there are dividends to enjoy. People will feel safe enough to go about their daily lives – to till the land, harvest the crops, develop livelihoods, go to school, invest, create jobs, construct homes and build a future 2007 is a significant year for Sierra Leone as the country prepares for the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in July. The experience we have so far with the electoral work has convinced us that the process can remain on track. We salute the independence demonstrated by the National Electoral Commission (NEC), and encourage all the parties to continue to collaborate with the Commission. Adherence to the Political Party’s Code of Conduct will decisively contribute to a constructive electoral climate. It is encouraging that in November 2006, eight political parties signed a Code of Conduct for the Elections.
The establishment of a Media Code of Conduct for election coverage is also vital. So too is voter education and a successful registration, which will start on 26 February.
Other critical tasks call for attention. As we recognize the relevance of being the first country to partner with the newly established UN Peace building Commission, and congratulate the government for this meaningful international commitment, we should keep in mind that the priorities agreed with the Commission require steadfast implementation to consolidate stability and democracy. Youth unemployment remains a major issue. There is a need to harness the young people’s abilities and to sharpen their skills through education, vocational and professional training programmes, and to develop their management skills. Food security is also imperative for the well-being of citizens. Improved agricultural productivity, and adequate post-harvest techniques, will provide better nutrition and health for both rural and urban communities. The growth of small-scale farming and farm-related businesses and industries will generate additional rural incomes. All these will create firmer conditions for private sector growth. Efficient management of Sierra Leone’s natural resources, such as mining and fisheries, will ensure a sustainable future for its people. However, providing regulated access to these resources and markets remain a challenge. This is where public-private sector partnerships are useful for infrastructure and market development.
The establishment of a Media Code of Conduct for election coverage is also vital. So too is voter education and a successful registration, which will start on 26 February.
We must step up our work to secure a viable future for the men, women and children of Sierra Leone. There are still mountains to climb. The international community must continue to support those negotiating steep inclines to ensure that no key player loses balance. We believe in the future of Sierra Leone.
As 2007 beckons and as we stand together, the UN staff and I share with the people of Sierra Leone a vista of hope in the year ahead.
新年帶來了希望,帶來了更好的生活以及機會,但僅限在和平、安全、重視人權的地區。獅子山的人們就沒法過著相同的日子,因為當地充斥著各種不安、危機。不過,當地的人們致力於重建屬於他們的現存的和平文化,想要享受著各種和平帶來的好處:上學、做生意、找工作、以及盛大的收獲。然而現在機會來了!在2007年7月的總統大選就是獅子山民眾的機會。因此他們尋找NEC(National Electoral Commission)的協助以確保一切能夠順利。當然,其他的事情也被密切注意著,像是當地的失業率、食物來源、農業採收量以及當地資源管理等。現今,依然有許多的事需要各地的幫忙、協助,幫助獅子山人民去掌握屬於他們的未來! 資源來源:
Monday, March 26, 2007
米涅.渥特絲(Minette Walters)從小嗜讀社會新聞版的渥特絲,十一歲就被送到Godophin 寄宿學校讀書(艾嘉莎?克麗絲蒂也曾就讀此校)。達拉謨大學外語系畢業之後,她擔任倫敦一家雜誌Woman Weekly Library 羅曼史專欄的助理編輯,短時間內晉陞為主編。
米涅.渥特絲(Minette Walters)從小嗜讀社會新聞版的渥特絲,十一歲就被送到Godophin 寄宿學校讀書(艾嘉莎?克麗絲蒂也曾就讀此校)。達拉謨大學外語系畢業之後,她擔任倫敦一家雜誌Woman Weekly Library 羅曼史專欄的助理編輯,短時間內晉陞為主編。
靠寫羅曼史貼補家計的家庭主婦,四十七歲開始執筆寫偵探小說。至今,渥特絲被譽為最精采可期的偵探小說暢銷作家之一,曾贏得CWA John Creasey Award的犯罪小說最佳初作獎,與美國艾倫坡獎的最佳犯罪小說獎;兩項CWA Gold Daggers小說獎,以及法國的Grand Prix des Lectrices d’Elle,與丹麥的Pelle Rosencrantz獎。
獅子山內戰受害者 “十一隻腳”的足球隊
(照片1:隊員莫翰弗法納在Freetown戶外踢球。PHOTO: AFP)
獅子山1991年爆發內戰,2002年內戰正式結束。長達十年的獅子山內戰共造成20多萬人死亡,數十萬平民百姓被打傷致殘或被迫逃離家園。內戰結束後,獅子山開始進行重建,旅遊業開始復蘇。儘管如此,其多數居民的生活仍然非常艱難。近日,在聯合國人類發展指數的排名中,獅子山排名倒數第二。 對於獅子山內戰中成千上萬的截肢者來說,踢球讓他們摔得鼻青臉腫,但這對於愛球如命的他們來說是一種回報,也讓他們重燃生命的希望。
- YEDEM(Youth Empowerment for Development Ministries International)
- YEDEM international' s photos
- Hope between SL & TW
- The Government of Sierra Leone (獅子山政府)
- 維基百科_獅子山 (英文)
- 台灣非洲研究論壇
- 台灣世界展望會
- 無國界醫生組織
- YEDEM(Youth Empowerment for Development Ministries International)
- YEDEM international' s photos
- Hope between SL & TW
- The Government of Sierra Leone (獅子山政府)
- 維基百科_獅子山 (英文)
- 台灣非洲研究論壇
- 台灣世界展望會
- 無國界醫生組織
美國血鑽石的官網(上登著國際特赦組織(Amnesty International與全球證人(Global Witness的贊助文宣,並且有完善的線上捐款系統,而台灣連個官網都沒有,對於片子的宣傳,能夠找到的新聞稿僅是明星的採訪與鑽石購買的5C(Conflict)認證,完全沒有任何更深刻或是對社會/世界有實質建設性的消息。
台灣記者寫出的「新聞」就真的只能這麼膚淺嗎?不要再讓讀者失望了好嗎?「新聞」的揭露與訊息的公佈對於一國人民的教育是具有極度深刻的影響力的,一篇五百字的報導,什麼是重要的,什麼是輕浮的,有這麼南分辨嗎?而對於讀者「想要看」的就真的如收視率與閱讀率顯示般是這樣膚淺的內容嗎? 血鑽石片中戰地女記者提到他到他要寫新聞,所以他需要的是時間、人名和具體的事件,他要接露的是對於鑽石非法交易真正具有殺傷力的證據,以徹底解決戰亂的問題。這就是新聞的專業,新聞的角色在於社會監督,而非娛樂大眾,然而今日台灣的新聞,缺乏獨立客觀與分析深度,所有對於事件的報導接流於表面,如此,天天收看閱讀台灣新聞的觀眾,未來又將會是如何呢?
在Google輸入「blood diamond」出現的報導滿滿是對於國際人權、稀少資源開採、內戰國家重建的新聞,然以中文輸入「血鑽石」出現的是一長串的電影劇情介紹、接著是ETToday的明星專訪,只有一篇華盛頓觀察寫得較深入,台灣報導僅聯合新聞網寫出李奧納多講的一句中肯話:「『血鑽石』並非要刻意打擊鑽石產業,而是要喚起全球共同幫助這些無辜婦孺」,但最終的重點還是被導向鑽石的購買。
美國血鑽石的官網(上登著國際特赦組織(Amnesty International與全球證人(Global Witness的贊助文宣,並且有完善的線上捐款系統,而台灣連個官網都沒有,對於片子的宣傳,能夠找到的新聞稿僅是明星的採訪與鑽石購買的5C(Conflict)認證,完全沒有任何更深刻或是對社會/世界有實質建設性的消息。
台灣記者寫出的「新聞」就真的只能這麼膚淺嗎?不要再讓讀者失望了好嗎?「新聞」的揭露與訊息的公佈對於一國人民的教育是具有極度深刻的影響力的,一篇五百字的報導,什麼是重要的,什麼是輕浮的,有這麼南分辨嗎?而對於讀者「想要看」的就真的如收視率與閱讀率顯示般是這樣膚淺的內容嗎? 血鑽石片中戰地女記者提到他到他要寫新聞,所以他需要的是時間、人名和具體的事件,他要接露的是對於鑽石非法交易真正具有殺傷力的證據,以徹底解決戰亂的問題。這就是新聞的專業,新聞的角色在於社會監督,而非娛樂大眾,然而今日台灣的新聞,缺乏獨立客觀與分析深度,所有對於事件的報導接流於表面,如此,天天收看閱讀台灣新聞的觀眾,未來又將會是如何呢?
在Google輸入「blood diamond」出現的報導滿滿是對於國際人權、稀少資源開採、內戰國家重建的新聞,然以中文輸入「血鑽石」出現的是一長串的電影劇情介紹、接著是ETToday的明星專訪,只有一篇華盛頓觀察寫得較深入,台灣報導僅聯合新聞網寫出李奧納多講的一句中肯話:「『血鑽石』並非要刻意打擊鑽石產業,而是要喚起全球共同幫助這些無辜婦孺」,但最終的重點還是被導向鑽石的購買。
在1999年聯合國維和部隊進駐,2000年RUF(聯合革命戰線)的首領桑可被制裁,聯合國並通過1306決議案,全面禁止獅子山的鑽石出口,國家才漸漸恢復和平。然而鑽石區Koidu鄰近獅子山與賴比瑞亞(Liberia)和幾內亞(Guinea)的交界處,因此大量的鑽石還是偷偷的被走私,賴比瑞亞前總統泰勒(Charles Taylor)為獲取非法鑽石,出售武器給獅子山的反政府分子,於2003年遭到聯合國控訴並流放,但他的勢力還是持續影響著賴比瑞亞及鑽石交易。
血鑽石上映第一天,我忍不住還是想在當天晚上就看到電影,於是到威秀影城買了票。在片子開始前,我一直很沉重,心繫著Sylvanus和Solomon,也期待著電影對於NPO捐助的相關宣傳。 一開始的戰亂與片中Solomon帶著兒子溫馨求學的對比,到後來走私者Archer的出現與Solomon採鑽的狀況,接著女記者Maddy Bowen對於新聞接露的鍥而不捨,政府軍與RUF的戰爭夾雜著鑽石利益的描述,Solomon搶救兒子的過程,最終Archer對於Solomon的成全,拉札‧卡普蘭國際企業(Lazare Kaplan International)鑽石商購買血鑽石故事的發表,在眾人對Solomon的勇氣掌聲中,片子結束了。這部片探討議題的複雜,值得一再的觀賞。在此,我不想發表對這部片的評述,只希望大家能夠走進電影院中親自去體驗。
但我要提的是,這部片之寫實呈現值得推廣,但更該被提及的應是在這些黑暗地區,默默付出的NPO,而需要被人們知道的是如何給於更實際的幫助,可惜在影片之前的預告片,完全不見世界展望會、世界糧食組織、無國界醫生組織,或是其他非營利組織的推廣片段,在影片最後也只出現一行「請大家不要購買衝突鑽石」。這樣的推廣有什麼樣的實質助益嗎?消費者會因為這樣一行字,而減少對鑽石的購買嗎?不可能。而De Beers宣稱99%的鑽石都是非衝突鑽石,對於那些會去購買1%衝突鑽石的人來說,這部電影對他的影響力又有多少呢?他們或許壓根不可能知道這部片的存在吧!
在1999年聯合國維和部隊進駐,2000年RUF(聯合革命戰線)的首領桑可被制裁,聯合國並通過1306決議案,全面禁止獅子山的鑽石出口,國家才漸漸恢復和平。然而鑽石區Koidu鄰近獅子山與賴比瑞亞(Liberia)和幾內亞(Guinea)的交界處,因此大量的鑽石還是偷偷的被走私,賴比瑞亞前總統泰勒(Charles Taylor)為獲取非法鑽石,出售武器給獅子山的反政府分子,於2003年遭到聯合國控訴並流放,但他的勢力還是持續影響著賴比瑞亞及鑽石交易。
血鑽石上映第一天,我忍不住還是想在當天晚上就看到電影,於是到威秀影城買了票。在片子開始前,我一直很沉重,心繫著Sylvanus和Solomon,也期待著電影對於NPO捐助的相關宣傳。 一開始的戰亂與片中Solomon帶著兒子溫馨求學的對比,到後來走私者Archer的出現與Solomon採鑽的狀況,接著女記者Maddy Bowen對於新聞接露的鍥而不捨,政府軍與RUF的戰爭夾雜著鑽石利益的描述,Solomon搶救兒子的過程,最終Archer對於Solomon的成全,拉札‧卡普蘭國際企業(Lazare Kaplan International)鑽石商購買血鑽石故事的發表,在眾人對Solomon的勇氣掌聲中,片子結束了。這部片探討議題的複雜,值得一再的觀賞。在此,我不想發表對這部片的評述,只希望大家能夠走進電影院中親自去體驗。
但我要提的是,這部片之寫實呈現值得推廣,但更該被提及的應是在這些黑暗地區,默默付出的NPO,而需要被人們知道的是如何給於更實際的幫助,可惜在影片之前的預告片,完全不見世界展望會、世界糧食組織、無國界醫生組織,或是其他非營利組織的推廣片段,在影片最後也只出現一行「請大家不要購買衝突鑽石」。這樣的推廣有什麼樣的實質助益嗎?消費者會因為這樣一行字,而減少對鑽石的購買嗎?不可能。而De Beers宣稱99%的鑽石都是非衝突鑽石,對於那些會去購買1%衝突鑽石的人來說,這部電影對他的影響力又有多少呢?他們或許壓根不可能知道這部片的存在吧!
找正義》放棄年薪200萬的律師桂冠前進非洲 要幫弱勢爭人權
[摘自商業周刊第 927 期]
[摘自商業周刊第 927 期]
Sunday, March 25, 2007
「我是從台灣來的Dr. Soong,請問我可以見執行長Oliva一面嗎?」
人在賴比瑞亞,我探索著「貢獻」的真正意義。曾經,在短短的一天內,我在只能容納七床的幽暗加護病房裡,親手簽下六張死亡證明書,難過崩潰地躲在值班室裡痛哭失聲。我也親眼面對原本能治療的結核病,卻因為複雜的抗藥性問題,最後我不得不向病人say no…..
「我是從台灣來的Dr. Soong,請問我可以見執行長Oliva一面嗎?」
人在賴比瑞亞,我探索著「貢獻」的真正意義。曾經,在短短的一天內,我在只能容納七床的幽暗加護病房裡,親手簽下六張死亡證明書,難過崩潰地躲在值班室裡痛哭失聲。我也親眼面對原本能治療的結核病,卻因為複雜的抗藥性問題,最後我不得不向病人say no…..
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