黑鷹計畫 Black HawnDown
Action/war drama based on the best-selling book detailing a near-disastrous mission in Somalia on October 3, 1993 where nearly 100 U.S. Army Rangers, commanded by Capt. Mike Steele, were dropped by helicopter deep into the capital city of Mogadishu to capture two top lieutenants of a Somali warlord which lead to a large and drawn-out firefight between the Rangers and hundreds of Somali gunmen which led to the destruction of two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters in Mogadishu, and the heroic efforts by various Rangers to get to them, centering on Sgt. Eversmann commanding one Ranger unit, named Chalk Four, pinned down by the street fighting, to Warrant Officer Durant who was only survivor of the second black hawk crash site and whom was captured, to Lt. Col. McKnight who leads a rescue convoy for the Rangers only to get lost within the hostile city, to Lt. Perino leading Rangers to the first black hawk crash site, to Staff Sgt. Yurek who leads his decimated Ranger group Chalk Two through gunfire to safety, to many others involved who where either killed or survived. Written by Matthew Patay
本片是根據真實的戰爭改編而成的,還原1993年索馬利亞戰事,此事是柯林頓在美國總統任期外交史上最挫敗的一次,是繼越戰之後最慘重的火拼。 1993年,一組受過專業訓練近百人的美軍突擊隊,在非洲執行一項人道救援任務時,因誤判情報,兩架黑鷹直昇機被敵軍擊落迫降至索馬利亞,秘密任務衍生成戰爭事件。數量不到百人的美軍突擊隊必須對抗5,000名以上索馬利亞暴民的猛烈攻擊,在雙方人數和火力相差50倍的緊張情勢下,兩方展開一場無可避免的戰役。雙方激戰十五小時,堆積如山的彈殼灑落在索馬利亞首都摩加迪休的戰場上,當時戰況相當慘烈。
美軍增員前往救援,並堅持「無論生死,所有弟兄都要回來,決不放棄任何一個同袍」。 http://starblvd.net/cgi-bin/movie/euccns?/film/2002/BlackHawkDown/BlackHawkDown.html
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