Nirgendwo in Afrika 何處是我家
A Jewish family in Germany emigrate short before the Second World War. They move to Kenya to start running a farm, but not all members of the family come to an arrangement with their new life. Shortly after their departure, things are changing in Germany very quickly, and a turning back seems impossible. So everyone has to arrange himself with the new life in a new continent. Written by Benjamin Stello
From: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0161860/
維吉妮雅一家人為了躲避納粹的迫害, 告別祖父母, 到了非洲肯亞暫居……但維吉妮雅的父親亟欲回祖國德國拿回他所失去的,但其母執意留下…….在非洲成長的維吉妮雅,對於融入當地生活與認同問題上,完全沒有大人的包袱,而成為清晰的對比,全片壯闊的場面,精緻的技術.流暢的敘事,讓人會聯想[遠離非洲,不同的是女主角並不是對土著施恩的優越白人,相反的,她還土旦肯亞原住民對她的啟發
A Jewish family in Germany emigrate short before the Second World War. They move to Kenya to start running a farm, but not all members of the family come to an arrangement with their new life. Shortly after their departure, things are changing in Germany very quickly, and a turning back seems impossible. So everyone has to arrange himself with the new life in a new continent. Written by Benjamin Stello
From: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0161860/
維吉妮雅一家人為了躲避納粹的迫害, 告別祖父母, 到了非洲肯亞暫居……但維吉妮雅的父親亟欲回祖國德國拿回他所失去的,但其母執意留下…….在非洲成長的維吉妮雅,對於融入當地生活與認同問題上,完全沒有大人的包袱,而成為清晰的對比,全片壯闊的場面,精緻的技術.流暢的敘事,讓人會聯想[遠離非洲,不同的是女主角並不是對土著施恩的優越白人,相反的,她還土旦肯亞原住民對她的啟發
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