Sunday, May 13, 2007

UN in action - 協助塞拉利昂童兵復員


Demobilization of Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone
The ten-year civil conflict in Sierra Leone was once called "the children's war" because at least half the soldiers were under sixteen. Most were abducted by rebel groups and forced to become warriors. UNICEF and other organizations are helping former child soldiers to become children again by sending them to school, encouraging them to play and providing skills training. The aim is to help the youngsters move beyond the past and look to the future.

Interviews: Major Poison, The Revolutionary United FrontGeneral Daniel Opande, UNAMSILFather Joseph Berton, St. Michael's Interim Care Centre


訪問對象: Poison少校,革命聯合陣線(The Revolutionary United Front)Daniel Opande中將,聯合國塞拉利昂特派團(UNAMSIL)Joseph Berton神父,St. Michael's臨時照顧中心

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